2010-09-27 19:18

W konkursie brali udział również inni uczniowie. Zapraszamy do ciekawej lektury tych krótkich, a jakże treściwych prac ;).


Ewelina Sobecka

Klasa 3a LO

XIX Liceum Ogólnokształcącego

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego: P. Beata Pełech


I wanted to fulfill my dream so I went to swim with Hawaiian sharks. Unfortunately I was attacked and lost my legs. I drifted alone for a long time. Alive. Although I’ve got artificial limbs I’m a winner. I gained the shark’s tooth! I did it myself. Nobody helped me.



Natalia Gałczyńska

Klasa 3a LO

XIX Liceum Ogólnokształcącego

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego: P. Beata Pełech


When I was a child my mum took me shopping to the supermarket. Totally bored I sat next to a stack. I lost my mom and couldn’t find her! I was standing and sobbing. Waiting and waiting…. Alone. Nobody helped me. Was it true? No, just a bad dream. Phew!




Agnieszka Dudek

Klasa (2b LO) aktualnie 3 b LO

XIX Liceum Ogólnokształcącego

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego: P. Patrycja Kosińska Lampka


In childhood Mindy was sad. Everybody left her and they were saying: ‘We hate you!’. Because of that she was shy and silent. Then she wrote a book ‘Nobody helped me’. The book didn’t get popular and people weren’t interested in Mindy. Mindy committed a suicide and nobody noticed it.




Filip Staszkiewicz

Klasa (3 b kucharz) aktualnie 4 b kucharz

Technikum Gastronomiczne

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego: P. Patrycja Kosińska Lampka


I was watching an awfully boring movie… I dropped off. In my dream I was in the street. I had my leg broken, but I was still walking. Then…I fell down in the middle of the road! The car was close… But nobody helped me…! Luckily, I woke up…




Łukasz Kruk

Klasa (1 b kucharz) aktualnie 2 b kucharz

Technikum Gastronomiczne

Nauczyciel języka angielskiego: P. Patrycja Kosińska Lampka


Once, when I was at home alone I thought I could make something to eat. When it was ready I smelled the stink of burning wood. It turned out I left a wooden chopping desk on the blowpipe of the oven. It burnt totally, same my house. Nobody helped me.




© 2010, Szczecin